CBC Bulletin March 11, 2018

  Welcome To
80 W. Brubaker Valley Road, Lititz, PA  17543
“Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone” Eph.2:20
Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, Pastor                 (717) 675-4054
Rev. Grant McIntosh, Elder                         (717) 466-6141
Darryl Miller, Deacon                                 (717) 471-1777
Kathy Klopp, Librarian                                (717) 435-2184
Church Phone:                                         (717) 626-3104
FaceBook: Cornerstone Baptist Ministries Lititz

March 11th 2018

Sunday School:                                                        9:30am

We have Sunday School for all ages.  It is in Sunday School that we are able to connect with one another as the Body of Christ as we study the Bible together.  The current series: “I Am Not A Fan”

Morning Worship                                    10:45am

Welcome and Announcements           
*Hymn #561 “We Gather Together”                                 Congregation
*Meet and Greet                                                        
*Hymn #483 “Lean On, King Eternal”                            Congregation                
Offering Hymn #398 “Fill My Cup Lord                                                                                    
Prayer and Praise
Psalm Reading: Psalm 22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sermon                                                                            Pastor Klansek
*Hymn #473 “Victory in Jesus”                                       Congregation

 *Stand if you are able

Evening Service Tonight-6:00pm

This Week

·         Monday Trail Life  Meeting-6:30pm
·         Tuesday Bible Study at the Buck’s-7:00pm
·         Tuesday “Truth Project” -7pm
·         Wednesday Afternoon Study-3:00pm (James)

Coming Events

·         Easter Sunrise 7am,  Breakfast 8am,  Service 9am

2018 Theme: Growing in Christ
(To Be fully committed Christ Followers)
“...teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you:”
Matthew 28:20

Church Vision and Mission:
To reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be Bible-centered in our faith and practice, to equip and empower people for ministry, to be an active part of our community without compromising God’s message.

King’s Sweepers this week: Mumma
King's Sweepers the following week: Miller
(Notes by Kathy Y)

Pastor's Message

John 13
Pastor shared how he loves reading and buying books. May even have an "obsession". He buys books on Amazon and in their search, nearly 800,000 books come up with "GOD" in the title. But the word "LOVE" will result in more than 1 million. Our world craves love, but many cannot find it. In our text...just in verses 1-12, love is mentioned 12 times. In verses 13 on, it is referenced 45 times. Jesus used the word love often during His last week. The closer He travels to the cross, Love was heavy on His mind and heart. (vs 31 ...footnote: When Judas went out) Now Jesus can focus on what He means to have Love one for another. In vs 31 & 32 it is mentioned 5 times. In Jesus' mind, the cross has already been conquered.  (GlorifiED)
John 17:4...How we glorify God. Are we accomplishing His will in our life? Jesus explains to the disciples that where He goes they cannot follow b/c their jobs have not been completed. As long as we have breath (vs 34-35) our job is not done. This "NEW" commandment does not mean it's an additional commandment. The meaning of the word used here for "new" means a freshness...refreshing of a current commandment. We we do love each other, the world will take notice. John 15:13. A new standard of Christian love...loving one another - AGAPE love. It's an act of God's will. We are to measure our level of love comparing it to the love of the Lord... what He showed his disciples. It's a commandment, a requirement!! We need to use Love as a verb - not just lip service. Love in a way that we would be willing to die for our brothers (fellow believers) Vs 35...an "IF" is present.
Agape love cannot be puled off in and of ourselves. We must abide in the Lord in order to have such love. We are weak & inclined to sin. We must be filled by the Holy Spirit. Our passion s/b to showcase our Love...love one to another...in the body of believers "UNCONDITIONAL" love...the love Jesus gives.
True Agape love can only be found in the Lord's "church"
1. Speak well of your church
2. Express your love to other believers
3. Loving action to someone that hurt you (Jesus Factor)
4. Serve other believers - in practical ways

Prayer/Praises: Adding to last week's list is Baby Bonnie to undergo yet another surgery; Wilson developing dementia; Mary Litton's unspoken request. Praising God for Jack's safe return from his trip to FL. Praising God for healing for Dawn (Kathy Y's niece).
Prayer for our Missionary of the Month - Pfaunmiller's...their need for financial support as well as health issues. Pastor's request for prayer regarding the Lord providing a Youth Pastor.



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