CBC Bulletin February 25, 2018

Notes by Kathy K.

Cornerstone Baptist Church
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Morning Sermon Notes/Message by Pastor Klansek

Continuing on the Series: “What it means to be a fan or a follower

Is Jesus Enough? 
John 6 began with many crowds following Jesus for the miracles and the inspirational talks He was giving.
In verse 10 there were 5,000 men not including women and children.
From the disciples perspective what could they do to feed this many people?
Andrew mentioned that a little boy had a small lunch but what was that to so many.  But Jesus used this small lunch to feed over 5,000 people and had food leftover.  The crowd of many stayed overnight and when they looked for Jesus in the morning they found out he was on the other side of the lake. The crowds traveled across the lake to see more of Jesus miracles.
The crowds were looking for more food. But in John 6:35 Jesus offers Himself as the bread of life.
We find that when there is no food that Jesus is enough.
In John 6:66 we see many disciples of Jesus turning back and not following Him anymore.
Many are on the wide road that leads to destruction. They like the idea of heaven, food, healings, etc. But when Jesus wipes all those things away and offers Himself they are not interested.
After this Jesus asks the disciples a heart breaking question.  John 6:67 …”Do you also want to go away?”
Peter answers in verse 68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
When you know Jesus is Lord there is no leaving Him.
Life gets tough for all of us, sometimes cruel because we live in a fallen world. Jesus is LORD of every situation. A problem that many of us face is not living by faith. We want to see the bread and the fish in the basket, to see the plan for our life. Sometimes we would like God to audibly speak to us.  But of course life is not like this.  It comes down to “Is Jesus Enough for you?” We must choose to be an admirer or a follower of Christ. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring but we know Him.
Trust in Him; He will never leave us! He is completely sufficient.

Jesus is all we need – Jesus is enough!

Prayer and Praise: The Billy Graham Family as they are mourning Grant’s brother’s wife, Donna has liver cancer – starting chemo soon Bob Buck’s friend’s father went into cardiac arrest recovery not expectedprayers for the family and he is unsaved. Missionary of the month G.S. and Sarah Nair Pastor also read a letter from Jon MacFarland telling about his tripsand speaking at churches. He is well and should be home in a few months.


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