CBC Bulletin April 8, 2018

Welcome To
80 W. Brubaker Valley Road, Lititz, PA  17543
“Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone” Eph.2:20
Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, Pastor                 (717) 675-4054
Rev. Grant McIntosh, Elder                         (717) 466-6141
Darryl Miller, Deacon                                 (717) 471-1777
Kathy Klopp, Librarian                                (717) 435-2184
Church Phone:                                         (717) 626-3104
FaceBook: Cornerstone Baptist Ministries Lititz

April 8th 2018

Sunday School:                                                        9:30am

We have Sunday School for all ages.  It is in Sunday School that we are able to connect with one another as the Body of Christ as we study growing in Christ through the Local Church.

Morning Worship                                    10:45am

Welcome and Announcements           
*Hymn #234 “Crown Him With Many Crowns”             Congregation
*Meet and Greet                                                        
*Hymn #270 “Wonderful Words of Life”                         Congregation                
“Offering Hymn #354 “Leaning On The Everlasting Arms                                                                                    
Prayer and Praise
Psalm Reading: Psalm 24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sermon   “A Firm Foundation”                                       Pastor Klansek
*Hymn #228 “Rejoice the Lord is King”                         Congregation

 *Stand if you are able

Evening Service Tonight-6:00pm

This Week

·         Monday Trail Life  Meeting(Adventures and Navigators)-6:30pm
·         Tuesday Bible Study at the Buck’s-7:00pm
·         Tuesday “Truth Project” -7pm
·         Wednesday Afternoon Study-3:00pm (James)
·         Thursday Leadership Team Meeting-6:00 pm

Coming Events

·         Men’s Breakfast Sat April 14th 8:00am
·         Precious Jewels Sat April 14th 1:00pm
·         Next Sunday Quarterly Business Meeting
·         Sat. April 21st Trail Life Chicken BBQ-Lititz VFW 10-2
·         April 29th Pot Luck Dinner after service-Church Shower and Johnny’s Birthday party.  Johnny’s Actual Birthday-April 15th

2018 Theme: Growing in Christ
(To Be Fully Committed- Christ Followers)
“...teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you:”
Matthew 28:20

Church Vision and Mission:
To reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be Bible-centered in our faith and practice, to equip and empower people for ministry, to be an active part of our community without compromising God’s message.
King’s Sweepers this week: Klopp and Ressler
King's Sweepers the following week:  Mumma
(Notes by Kathy Y)
Pastor's Message

Being a totally committed follower of Jesus means our foundation will hold, He is a FIRM foundation. Pastor shared a story of a soft foundation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. No matter what they tried, they can't level it. Pisa in Greek means marshy land! It's foundation is only 10'!!!!
Foundations are extremely important. Pastor shared another story of a building for a hotel, to be built in earthquake prone Japan. The architect felt the soft ground would provide a cushion. It was put to the test almost immediately upon completion and it withstood the quake. A proper foundation is a must! If a person doesn't have an anchor, he will be swept away. 
Matt 7:13-27 (Words of Jesus) This was His response to those asking how a man can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
How to have a firm foundation:
1. Word of God: When Jesus warns us, we need to listen (vs15) Ultimately there are only 2 religions. How will you know them? Jesus says in vs 16...the root produces the fruit. When you see the fruit of someone you will know their root.
2. Discipleship: becoming more like Christ. Hear the Word of God...to hear it you must dig deep into the Word to make a solid foundation - after hearing, you must make a decision
3. Do the Word of God: vs 26 of Matt 7 Our faith will be tested. vs 25
4. Rejoice! 
Pastor compared Judas & Peter. Jesus knew Peter had faith. Peter said: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" when Jesus asked him who do you say that I am? Jesus knew his heart. Storms come to everyone, even the apostles. What will you do when the bottom falls out? The weight of a heavy train held a bridge upright when a storm was eminent. Your heavy responsibility may actually be what holds you fast through a storm. The joy of the Lord is your strength. We need to keep  sense of humor.
5. Look for the victory! 

Prayer/Praises: Mary's operation was successful-tumor benign! Kathy K is still in pain. Baby Bonnie Daniel passed away...prayers for family & friends during this grieving process; Grant's Sister-In-Law tumor shrunk by 40%; MoM- Shelly's
Missionaries of the Month – April 2018
                                     Dennis & Coletta Shelly

(condensed) PRAISE ITEMS:
1. We’re back into teaching again after a 1 wk mid-semester break. We asked for special prayer from some of you  for our  trip to Kaduna. God answered by giving us safety to/ from Kaduna. I spoke for about 6 hrs in 4 sessions Friday & Saturday

1. For good health & strength for us, our faculty, staff & students. Pray that more students can connect with or find sponsors to help them pay for their past and current school fees
2. For ETSK’s Skill Acquisition program to continue going well in seven sections.
3. For God’s continued protection over ETSK and our region of southern Kaduna State. The number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in various parts of Nigeria keeps growing! Pray for God’s comfort and grace for them not to lose heart.

4. For God’s choice of another Ph.D. holder to join me in the new M.A. in Missions program.
5. For Dwight & Amy Shelly to know God’s direction for  their return to the Lancaster, PA
6. For Stephanie to be in good health and a good witness as she works at two Urgent Care Centers in Rohrerstown & Ephrata, PA.

7. Coletta & I plan to be in the US from June 12 - July 12, Pray for details to fit together well.

Thanks for your part in the ministries here at ETSK.
Working Together for Him,
Dennis & Coletta Shelly
(for the complete letter, please refer to the Missionary Board)


  1. So nice to feel apart of church even when not there by having the sermon notes, prayer requests and the bulletin's list of upcoming events.
    "Thank - you" Kathy Yerger for going the xtra mile and publishing everything on-line
    so quickly.


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