CBC Bulletin April 15, 2018

  Welcome To
80 W. Brubaker Valley Road, Lititz, PA  17543
“Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone” Eph.2:20
Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, Pastor                 (717) 675-4054
Rev. Grant McIntosh, Elder                         (717) 466-6141
Darryl Miller, Deacon                                 (717) 471-1777
Kathy Klopp, Librarian                                (717) 435-2184
Church Phone:                                         (717) 626-3104
FaceBook: Cornerstone Baptist Ministries Lititz

April 15th 2018

Sunday School:                                                        9:30am

We have Sunday School for all ages.  It is in Sunday School that we are able to connect with one another as the Body of Christ as we study growing in Christ through the Local Church.

Morning Worship                                    10:45am

Welcome and Announcements           
Prelude: Dot on flute
*DVD “How Great Thou Art”                                          Congregation
*Meet and Greet                                                        
*DVD “Above All”                                                           Congregation                
“Offering DVD  “Give Thanks                                                                                    
Prayer and Praise
Psalm Reading: Psalm 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sermon   “Your Value”                                                   Pastor Klansek
*DVD “God Will Make A Way”                                       Congregation

 *Stand if you are able

Evening Service Tonight-6:00pm

This Week

·         Monday Trail Life  Meeting-6:30pm
·         Tuesday Bible Study at the Buck’s-7:00pm
·         Tuesday “Truth Project” -7pm
·         Wednesday Afternoon Study-3:00pm (James)

Coming Events

·         Men’s Breakfast Sat May 12th 8:00am
·         Precious Jewels Sat May 12th 1:00pm
·         Today Quarterly Business Meeting after service
·         Thus Sat. April 21st Trail Life Chicken BBQ-Lititz VFW 10-2
·         April 29th Pot Luck Dinner after service-Church Shower and Johnny’s Birthday party.  Johnny’s Actual Birthday-April 15th

2018 Theme: Growing in Christ
(To Be Fully Committed- Christ Followers)
“...teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you:”
Matthew 28:20

Church Vision and Mission:
To reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be Bible-centered in our faith and practice, to equip and empower people for ministry, to be an active part of our community without compromising God’s message.
King’s Sweepers this week: Buck’s
King's Sweepers the following week: Ressler’s and Klopp

(Notes by Kathy Y)

Pastor's Message: Your Value

 Jeremiah (the weeping prophet) 1:5
God says before we were born, we were in His mind...b4 the world even began. He has made us special - No accident. He has set us apart, we have invaluable worth!

His love is forever - can never be taken away from us. He deliberately selected our eyes, race, gender, etc.
God ordained Jeremiah to be a prophet. We are very important, created for good works - which God prepared b4 the foundation of the world - because of who we are in Christ.

Three parables of Jesus: (Luke 15)
1. Lost sheep (vs 4-7)
2. Lost corn (vs 8-10)
3. Lost son (vs 11-32...the Prodigal Son)

The Bible places more value on relationship then on anything else. 
Pastor shared a story of work he did once w/handicapped. Of what value are they? "Behold, all souls are mine!" (Ezekiel 18:4) Their worth is for those that work to care for them. We have great value b/c we were created in God's image, and everyone's life has a plan.
(Luke 12)  You're valued more than many sparrows!!


Grant & Ruth's travels; Kathy K's parents; Bonnie R., Darlene's brother's barn fire; Jack's wife, Sue


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