CBC Bulletin March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday

  Welcome To
80 W. Brubaker Valley Road, Lititz, PA  17543
“Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone” Eph.2:20
Rev. Jeffrey Klansek, Pastor                 (717) 675-4054
Rev. Grant McIntosh, Elder                         (717) 466-6141
Darryl Miller, Deacon                                 (717) 471-1777
Kathy Klopp, Librarian                                (717) 435-2184
Church Phone:                                         (717) 626-3104
FaceBook: Cornerstone Baptist Ministries Lititz

March 25th 2018
Palm Sunday

Sunday School:                                                        9:30am

We have Sunday School for all ages.  It is in Sunday School that we are able to connect with one another as the Body of Christ as we study the Bible together.

Morning Worship                                    10:45am

Welcome and Announcements           
*Hymn #513 “Oh How He Loves You and Me”              Congregation
*Meet and Greet                                                        
*Hymn #173 “All Glory, Laud and Honor”                     Congregation                
“Offering Hymn #174 “Hosanna Laud Hosanna                                                                                    
Prayer and Praise
Psalm Reading: Psalm 23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sermon  Palm Sunday                                                     Pastor Klansek
*Hymn #172 “Tell Me The Story of Jesus”                      Congregation

 *Stand if you are able

Evening Service Tonight-6:00pm

This Week

·         Monday Trail Life  Meeting-6:30pm
·         Tuesday Bible Study at the Buck’s-7:00pm
·         Tuesday “Truth Project” -7pm
·         Wednesday Afternoon Study-3:00pm (James)

Coming Events

·         Easter Sunrise 7am,  Breakfast 8am,  Service 9am
·         Men’s Breakfast Sat April 14th 8:00am
·         Precious Jewels Sat April 14th 1:00pm
·         Pot Luck Dinner after service-Church Shower and Johnny’s Birthday party.  Actual Birthday-April 15th

2018 Theme: Growing in Christ
(To Be fully committed Christ Followers)
“...teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you:”
Matthew 28:20

Church Vision and Mission:
To reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be Bible-centered in our faith and practice, to equip and empower people for ministry, to be an active part of our community without compromising God’s message.

King’s Sweepers this week: Klopp and Ressler
King's Sweepers the following week:  Mumma

(Notes by Kathy Y)

Pastor's Message

Many symbols are used by Christians. Ex: Cross is a symbol of our salvation; Bread & juice-Blood and body of our savior; Fishes & loves-provisions; Towel-servant.
The palm branch is a symbol of royalty. When a king is in our midst...that's when the palms are waved. Today is the day we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (II Sam 7:12, Psalm 89)
Great joy was expressed when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. The sounds were so loud they were told to hold it down. All gospels tell of His entry into Jerusalem.
Luke 19:28 (Pastor read Luke's account of this entry.)The disciples were excited-expecting liberation from Rome for their people. They expected him to overcome the Romans. (Jesus will one day riding a white stallion horse) thru the Eastern Gate (AKA Golden Gate) It has now been sealed by the Muslims. However, when Jesus returns, He will break that seal and enter thru that gate again. (Heb 12:2) The purpose of His life was in full view there on the west side of Jerusalem; the Hill of Golgotha...containing a stone that looks like a skull.
Hosanna's (God save us!) were shouted. The Pharisees told  Him to quiet the crowds & He said if He did, the stones would cry out. Jesus only wept twice; during Lazareth's death and for Jerusalem. For 2k years they cried out for their savior
Vs 41 He wept. He made this day a personal day for Israel, but they couldn't see it.
Vs 43-44 He gives a prophesy...to this day, not one piece of evidence is there to prove a temple was once there. Year 70AD, Kind Titus demolished the temple.
Pastor gave an invitation to make Jesus our King. With the palm we sing "Hosanna"
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Prayer/Praises: Kathy K.'s mother; Baby Bonnie Daniel's doing well; Bonnie doing good in spite of her heart beating an extras beats; Pfaunmiller's MoM of April; Susan (Darlene's neighbor) having seizures. Jack's wife, Sue, wrist doing well; Darryl's Mary's tumor on ovary is benign!! YAY, PTL


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